Custom Firearm Modifications

Ghiselene Custom Guns is a Firearm Manufacturer and Gunsmith with a special permit by the government to modify semi-automatic rifles and pistols to full automatic.  After appropriate state and county paperwork has been processed, just send your weapon to us and we’ll modify it, test it, and send it back in a very timely manner.



  1. Provide authorization from local or state law enforcement, military, or private contractor that your weapon is authorized to be modified.  NO FIREARMS WILL BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE APPROPRIATE PAPERWORK.
  2. Wait until authorization is approved (generally 4-6 weeks) and you are sent an authorization letter or email to go along with your firearm.  At this point, you will pay for your modifications in full.
  3. Send us your firearms, once we receive them we will alert you and begin the modification period.
  4. Once your weapon or weapons have been modified, we test them on our range and do a final QC before shipping.
  5. After testing, we alert you and discretely ship you firearm back to you for use.